
From the moment I picked your book up until I put it down I was convulsed with laughter. Some day I intend reading it.

-- Groucho Marx, from "The Book of Insults"

This bibliography is presently incomplete. Web links are provided where available.

  1. Alfred V. Aho, Ravi Sethi and Jeffery D. Ullman "Compilers - Principles, Techniques and Tools" ISBN 0-201-10088-6
  2. Luca Cardelli "Basic Polymorphic Typechecking" Science of Computer Programming 8/2 (April 1987)
  3. J. Postel Internet Engineering Task Force RFC 768 - "User Datagram Protocol" (August 1980)
  4. J.Cheng Internet Engineering Task Force RFC 2188 - "AT&T/Neda's Efficient Short Remote Operations (ESRO))" (September 1997)
  5. M. Banan Internet Engineering Task Force RFC 2524 - "Neda's Efficient Mail Submission and Delivery (EMSD)" (February 1999)
  6. M. Banan "Overview of the LEAP Protocols" (July 2000)
  7. Oftel "Consumers' use of mobile telephony" (June 2000)
  8. G. Nelson "The Z-Machine Standards Document" (June 1997)
  9. S. Romanenko, C.Russo, P. Sestoft "Moscow ML Owners Manual". Technical Report (June 2000). Available from the Moscow ML home page
  10. X. Leroy. "The Caml Light system, release 0.6 -- Documentation and user's manual". Technical report, INRIA. Included in the Caml Light 0.6 distribution.
  11. ARM Ltd "ARM Instruction Set Quick Reference Card". Technical report, ARM Ltd, document QRC-0001D (October 1999)
  12. IEEE standard 754-1985 "IEEE Standard for Binary Floating Point Arithmetic"
  13. Thibault, Lawall, Marlet and Muller "Static and Dynamic Program Compilation by Interpreter Specialisation"

Andrew Hunter
Last modified: Sun Nov 12 18:17:14 GMT 2000